Empyrion: Galactic Survival Wiki

Movement is an important game-play mechanics as exploration is one of the most important aspect of Empyrion: Galactic Survival gameplay. There are multiple ways to move around the Empyrion Universe and Maps so players do not get lost.

Methods[ | ]

Running and Sprinting[ | ]

Default Key-Binding : W,A,S,D, Shift, Spacebar

Running and Sprinting around is the most basic mode of movement. The player can move forward, backward or sideways using W, A, S, D keys and sprint using Shift. Running will drain food and Oxygen (when helmet is on) 1.5 times faster than if the player was standing still. Sprinting will drain food and Oxygen 3 times faster than standing still (2x faster than Running). Additionally sprinting will drain stamina. The player can't run/sprint and starts panting if all stamina is drained. Stamina automatically regenerates if the player is standing still. (Stamina wonā€™t regenerate when the player is panting and running).

Player can jump using Spacebar. Jump height is determined by the gravity of the planet.

Player Running

player running

Maximum Speed (on plain surface):

Running Straight 3.8 m/s
Diagonally 4.3 m/s
Sprinting Straight 9.1 m/s
Diagonally 8.8 m/s

Swimming[ | ]

Default Key-bindings: W,A,S,D, Shift, C, Spacebar

A player can swim in the water if the water is deep enough and playerā€™s hand is empty. An empty handed player by default floats on the water, unless they manually get underwater or starts under water. Players can move around with W,A,S,D key and swim fast with Shift. Players can increase and decrease their depth underwater by using C and Spacebar respectively.

Player Swimming

player Swimming

Maximum Speed:

(water surface)
Straight 2.4 m/s
Diagonally 3.5 m/s
Straight 2.1 m/s
Diagonally 3.0 m/s
Fast Swimming
(water surface)
Straight 3.7 m/s
Diagonally 5.2 m/s
Fast Swimming
Straight 3.0 m/s
Diagonally 4.5 m/s

Jet-Pack[ | ]


Jetpack at back of the player

Players are equipped with a jetpack on their suit. The jetpack has limited amount of fuel which regenerates automatically when not in use.

On Surface[ | ]

Default Key-bindings:J, Spacebar

On the surface of a planet (or environment with gravity), the jetpack can only be used for assisting jumps. Pressing J key will switch the jetpack on or off. Holding Spacebar will launch player  up in the air until the fuel is depleted. The height a player can reach is determined by the gravity of the planet.

In Space[ | ]

Default Key-bindings:J,W,A,S,D,Q,E, C,Spacebar

The jetpack is the only way a player can move in space (0G environment) by themselves. Players cannot move unless the jetpack is turned on. W,S are used for forward and backward movement, A,D are used for sideways movement, Spacebar,C are used for up-down movement and Q,E are used to roll left and right.

Hover[ | ]

To learn more about Hover Vessels, see Hover Vessel and Hover Vessel (Guide).

Default Key-bindings:W,A,S,D, C,Spacebar, Shift+Spacebar, Control+Shift, Y,F,P

The Hover Vessel is the most basic mode of vessel transportation in Empyrion: Galactic Survival. The player needs to build a Hover Vessel to get this mode of transportation. A Hover Vessel has a maximum cruising speed of 20 m/s and can hover a maximum of 3m above the ground. Hover Vessels cannot go to or function in space, but can dock with Capital Vessel which can transport them to other planets or moons.

The movement of Hover vessels are controlled by pressing W,A,S,D for forward, backward and sideways motion; Spacebar,C keys use for increase and decrease hover height; Shift+Spacebarf to make short boosted jumps and Control+Shift to flip the vessel if the vessel is upside-down. Y is used for turning the vessel on and off, T to turn the lights on and off and P to access the control Panel.

Flying[ | ]

To learn more about Small Vessels and Capital Vessels, see Small Vessel and Capital Vessel

Default Key-bindings:W,A,S,D, Q,E, C,Spacebar, Y,L,P

Players can fly in the atmosphere, around planets, moons and space in their small and capital vessel. They both have a top speed of 60.0 m/s in the atmosphere however they have different top speeds in space as a small vessel has a top speed of 120.0 m/s in space, while capital vessels have a top speed of 100.0 m/s in space

The movement of Small and Capital vessels are controlled by pressing W,A,S,D for forward, backward and sideways motion; Spacebar and C are used for move up and down movement; Q,E used to roll left and right. Y is used for turning the vessel on and off, L to turn the lights on and off and P to access the control Panel.

Warp[ | ]

Default Key-bindings:K

Warp is the most advanced form of travelling which is used for travel between planets. Only Capital Vessels with Warp Drive can make warp jump. To know about warp see Warp.

Navigation[ | ]

There are maps and various HUD visual queues to navigate in Empyrion universe

Map[ | ]

There are two types of map in Empyrion: Galactic Survival for ease of navigation :

  • Planet/Orbit/Solar System/Galaxy Map: opens by pressing M
  • Minimap : always shown in top-right corner of the HUD

Planet/Orbit/System/Galaxy Map[ | ]

Default Key : M
The map is opened by pressing M. You can switch between the Planet, Orbit, System and Galaxy modes (see image below). The map window shows the playfield the player currently is in when Planet or Orbit map is selected. The various Points of Interests are shown in the map via the map legend (see image below). The points of interest shown in the map are:

  • Escape Pod
  • Player Location
  • Player Backpack
  • Planets / Moons (in orbit)
  • Ore Deposits and Ore Asteroids
  • Drone
  • Alien POIs
  • Player Base(own and others)
  • Player Capital Vessel(own and others)
  • Player Small Vessel(own and others)
  • Player Hover Vessel(own and others)
NOTE: Galaxy Map is currently inactive as galaxies are not implemented in the game yet.
Map Legends
Escape Pod Icon Player Map Icon Player Backpack Icon Planet Icon Ore Deposit Icon Drone Icon
Escape Pod Player Location Player Backpack Planet (in orbit) Ore Deposit Drone
Alien POI Icon Player BA Icon Player CV Icon Player SV Icon Player HV Icon
Alien POIs Player Base
(own and others)
Player Capital Vessel
(own and others)
Player Small Vessel
(own and others)
Player Hover Vessel
(own and others)

Planet Map[ | ]

Planet Map (marked)
  • 1 : Map of the planet (click and drag to rotate)
    • 1a : planet terrain (darker shade=night, lighter shade=day)
    • 1b : Map legends (refer to the icon list at the top of the table)
  • 2 : Planet information panel 1
    • 2a : name of the planet
    • 2b : climate of the planet
    • 2c : playmode of the planet (PvE or PvP)
    • 2d : difficulty setting of the planet (1-5, higher is more difficult)
  • 3 : Planet information panel 2
    • 3a : gravity of the planet in terms of Earth's gravity (1g=9.81m/s2)
    • 3b : atmospheric density of the planet
    • 3c : number of moons
    • 3d : temperature at players position/ mean temperature of the planet
  • 4 : Ore deposits on the planet (discovered/total present)
  • 5 : Planetary (area) map button (selected)
  • 6 : Solar system map button
  • 7 : galaxy map button (currently inactive)
  • The map can be rotated by clicking and dragging anywhere on the map.
  • The map orients the planet in North-South direction by default for first time but the map can be dragged in any direction and planet orientation can be changed. The map orientation will remain the same and only reset to default after player closes and reopens the map.

Orbital Map[ | ]

Orbit Map (marked)
  • 1 : Y=0 Plane
  • 2 : Map legends (refer to the icon list at the top of the table)
    • 2a : map entity(POI/Drone etc.) below the player
    • 2b : map entity(POI/Drone etc.) above the player
  • Orbit map shown in respect to y=0 plane i.e a x,z axis plane passing though y=0 co-ordinate.
  • The position of player and all POI shown as above or below the plane.
    • The POI/ Player above the plane have a line below them, the length of the line denote distance between the POI/Player and the plane
    • The POI/ Player below the plane have a line above them, the length of the line denote distance between the POI/Player and the plane

System Map[ | ]

Solar System Map (marked)
  • 1 : List of the orbits
    • 1a : Current location
    • 1b : name of the orbit
    • 1c : planet at that orbit
  • 2 : Description of the selected orbit
  • 3 : Target lock button for warp jump
  • Solar system map shows all the orbits present in the soar system in a list format.
  • Solar system map is primarily used for target lock for Warp Jump.
  • This map also show the very basic information about the planets in the solar system and the distance form the players current position.

Minimap[ | ]

The minimap is always shown in the top right corner of the HUD. The minimap shows no terrain features, it only show the locations of a POI in the 300m radius around the player. It also shows the direction of the POIs up to a distance of 500m by showing the appropriate icons snapped to the edge of the map.
The minimap in space shows a (x,z) plane in y-axis, unlike the plane in the Orbital Map which is always at y=0, the plane in minimap is shown at the level of player and all other objects y-axis location (up-down) are shown relative to the player (i.e. if an object/POI is above the player, a line is shown underneath it and if it is below the player, a line is shown above it). Unlike minimap in planet, minimap in orbit shows everything in orbit and the distance shown in a logarithmic scale (i.e. further the object is, the more the distance is compressed).

Minimap on planet Minimap in orbit
Planet Minimap (marked)

1. Player
2. N-S-E-W indicator
3. Various POIs/ Entity

Orbit Minimap (marked)

1. Player
2. The (x,z) plane at players y
3. Line showing a entity (Space Drone) is above players
4. All POIs, entity present in the orbit

Visual Cues[ | ]

There are various visual cues shown in the HUD to help in navigation.

Visual Cues Use/ meaning
Indicator Arrow Ore Indicator Arrow to show the direction of nearby ore outside the player's FOV
Indicator Arrow POI Indicator Arrow to show the direction of nearby POIs (player and alien) outside the player's FOV
Partially Drained Deposit Labels showing nearby Resource Deposits (type, size, remaining amount and distance from the player)
This label also shown for Resource Meteorites, POIs (Alien and Player) and drones.