Empyrion: Galactic Survival Wiki

Index: GameAPI

Referencing in Visual Studios[ | ]

Notes[ | ]

As of 7.6.1's API the game CANNOT handle external references. Please only use those the game provides.

(You may only have *ONE* .dll file in the mod folder)

File Locations[ | ]

The referenced files may be anywhere on your computer, it is however recommended to either have them in your visual Studios folder, or in the project's folder.

Referencing[ | ]

In the menu, go to 'Project' > 'Add Reference'

This will open a window.

In this window, click 'Browse'

Locate the files neccessary.

Files you might be looking for[ | ]

protobuf-net.dll :[ | ]

Required file

-Locate your Empyrion folder (normal)

-Folder: Empyrion_data

-Folder: Managed

-Locate file here

Mif.dll :[ | ]

Required file

-Locate your Empyrion folder (normal)

-Folder: Empyrion_data

-Folder: Managed

-Locate file here

Assembly-CSharp-firstpass :[ | ]

File to use YAML files

-Locate your Empyrion folder (normal)

-Folder: Empyrion_data

-Folder: Managed

-Locate file here

YamlDotNet :[ | ]

Refer to this article
