Empyrion: Galactic Survival Wiki

During exploring, fighting aliens and gathering materials, you might get hungry or even injured. That's why it's always a good idea to keep some food and medics on you. One of the best ways in doing so is with farming. Crops can be planted and harvested for a variety of goods for crafting food that satisfies your hunger and fills stamina or medics which can cure diseases and regenerate your health.

Not every ingredient for high-tier medicals and food can be acquired through farming, most notably Purified Water and Eggs.

Unlike gathering plant products, farming does not yield experience points.


To set up a farm you will need

Growing Crops

Farm example alpha 6

Farming requires an oxygenated radiation-free space

Any plant must be placed on a Growing Plot, with a Plant Grow Light in a 3 by 3 area above, centred on the block above the plant and the block it's in needs to oxygenated or else it will stop growing, but continue as soon as all of them are provided again. If the plant is radiated it will die. On planets with a breathable atmosphere, no oxygen must be provided with a Ventilator. Note that plants don't need to be watered and there is no way to do so anyway.


Currently, there are 18 Sprouts that produce a total of 11 different products.

Vegetables, Fruits, Grain and Natural Stimulant can be produced by multiple plants with different average yields per hour. The most efficient crops of these types are marked bold
Farm Example

A small functional farm

Sprout Type Growth time Yield Yield per hour
Blue Pepper Vegetables 50 min 2 2.4
Wheat Grain 40 min 6 9
Tomato Vegetables 80 min 4 3
Pumpkin Vegetables 145 min 8 3.31
Corn Grain 70 min 12 10.29
Pearthing Fruit 90 min 4 2.67
Space Kavae Natural Stimulant 33 min 2 3.64
Aloe Vera Herbal Leaves 40 min 1 1.5
Ahax Plant Plant Protein 90 min 5 3.34
Akua Berry Berries 74 min 4 3.24
Space Orange Fruit 135 min 8 3.56
Alien Honey Plant Natural Sweetener 62 min 2 1.94
Large Eggplant Vegetables 31 min 1 1.94
Fiber Plant Plant Fibers 43 min 8 11.16
Mushrooms Mushrooms 110 min 4 2.18
Spice Spice 50 min 3 3.6
Coffee Plant Natural Stimulant 91 min 6 3.95
Big Alien Flower Buds 27 min 1 2.23