The Console is opened by pressing the ~ key, and gives access to various commands from switching world gamemode type, to debug commands, to other creative options. Commands may require elevated permissions in order to use them, these commands are marked as being a GameMaster, Admin, or Moderator command.
Note, that about half of these are personal (ie. the player that executes it, is who it interacts with), these are mostly the ones changing things with the player, rather than environment. If you need to execute on another player, using telnet 's RemoteExecution is needed, or alternatively, a mod that creates the RemoteEx request for you.
Note that 'Is Telnet' commands might differ from the above statement, and might be executable on their own, without RemoteExecution, but just using telnet
"Is telnet" means that they can be used through telnet, but also through direct consoleCommand.
Commands[ | ]
Command | Description | Is telnet? | Extended documentation | Permission level required |
ag | Toggles AG display on/off | AntiGrief | 6+ | |
ai | Switches AI on/off | 6+ | ||
aimanager | Allow to spawn various AI managed by the AIManager | V | AI manager (AIM) | 3+ |
alliances | Lists alliances or alliance requests and allows to set alliances | Alliances | 6+ | |
armor | Armor [Moderator] | Armor | 6+ | |
ban | Ban a player for an amount of time [Moderator] | V | Ban | 6+ |
changemode | Changes a local survival game into creative and vice versa. You need to restart the game after the switch! Does not work for Multiplayer! | V | 3+ | |
combiner | Switches mesh combiner on/off | Combiner | 0+ | |
debugmenu or dm | Enables/disables the debug menu [Moderator] | Debug Menu Usage | 6+ | |
deco | Enables to switch on and off the decorations of the terrain and gets some stats | Deco | 0+? | |
defragsavegame | Defrags a save game | V | DefragSavegame | 0+ |
destroy | Destroys an entity of a structure [Moderator] | Destroy | 6+ ? | |
destroyme | Destroys the local player (Debug command for killing self) | 0+ | ||
detach | Detaches the local player if he has the 'stuck under cockpit' problem (debug command) | 0+ | ||
di | Show/hide additional debug information | DI | 6+ ? | |
difficulties | Shows the current difficulty setting for the game | V | 0+ | |
ds reload | Reloads the dialogue.ecf and dialogue.csv file in game, to update the list of entries and code | ?? | ||
entity | Allows to do several operations on an entity | Entity | 3+ | |
ents | List all entities | Ents | 3+ | |
exec | Executes an executable. Needs documentation | V | ? | |
faction | Faction change helper functions [GameMaster] | V | Faction | 3+ |
find | Finds a structure by name within the current playfield and prints its id [GameMaster] | Find | 3+ | |
finishbp or fbp | Finish the current blueprint production [GameMaster] (Clears remaining construction time) | Finishbp | 3+ | |
gameoptions or gopt | Lists all the current game option values | GameOptions | 3+ | |
generatemap | Generates a 2D map image of the current world. | GenerateMap | 3+? | |
gents | List all structures for a faction [Moderator] | V | Gents | 6+ |
give | Give stuff to player [Moderator] | Give | 6+ | |
globaleffects | Shows current global effects
Unsure about what exactly it does.. |
6+ | ||
godmode or gm | Enables/disables 'god mode' [GameMaster] | GodMode | 3+ | |
Grass | Refresh grass commands | Grass | 6+ | |
help | List all console commands and show specific help | V | help | 0+ |
initadmin | Sets myself as the initial administrator | V | InitAdmin | 0+? |
itemmenu or im | Enables/disables the item (creative) menu [GameMaster] | ItemMenu | 3+ | |
kick | Kick player (or all players) out of game [GameMaster] | V | Kick | 3+ |
level | Modify the Level, Experience Points or Upgrade Points for the current player [GameMaster] | Level | 3+ | |
list | Lists special players (i.e. with special permissions or banned players) [GameMaster] | V | List | 3+ |
loadplayfield or lpf | Loads a Playfield | LoadPlayfield | 0+? | |
map | Uncovers all resources and POIs on the map. Use 'map hide' for hiding them again. [GameMaster] | Map | 3+ | |
marker | Marker [Moderator] | Marker | 6+ | |
mergestructs | Merges two structurers into one | MergeStructs | ? | |
op | Switches offline protection on a structure locally on/off | OP | 3+ | |
origins | List origins | V | Origin | 0+ |
oxygen | Show oxygenated areas in POI | Oxygen | 0+ | |
pda | Execute PDA related commands (use 'help pda' to see details) | PDA | 9+ | |
playfield or pf | Reload the current playfield [Admin] | 9+ [SERVER ONLY] | ||
poimanager | POI Manager [Moderator] | POIManager | 6+ | |
prefabactivate | prefabinfo <blueprint name> - switches all powered blocks on | PrefabActivate | 3+ | |
prefabinfo | prefabinfo <user blueprint name> - shows infos about a user Blueprint (specify a name as listed in your Blueprint Library) | PrefabInfo | 3+ | |
regenerate | regenerate <ID number from DI window or output from "ents" command> - Regenerates object such as restoring a POI | Regenerate | 3+ | |
repair | Repair items [Moderator] | Repair | 6+ | |
replaceblocks | Replaces the specified blocks in the specified structure. For replacing all blocks, execute cmd as follows: replaceblocks <entityid> -alpha4. DO NOT EXECUTE THIS COMMAND ON A SERVER! | Replaceblocks | 9+ | |
resetcore | Clears fuel and oxygen in local structure (may need to be aimed at core) | 3+ | ||
sector | jumps to a specific sector [GAmeMaster] | Sector | 3+ | |
sectors | Reveal/hide playfields [Moderator] | Sectors | 6+ | |
setdevicespublic | Sets the specified devices to public | SetDevicesPublic | 9+ | |
setposition | Sets the position of an entity [GameMaster] | V | SetPosition | 3+ |
setrole | Sets the role for a player (give special permissions) [Admin] | V | SetRole | 9+ |
setrotation | Sets the rotation of a structure [GameMaster] | SetRotation | 3+ | |
si | Switches Structural Integrity on or off | 6+ | ||
spawnanyblueprint or sbp | Switches spawning of any blueprint to on/off. Abbreviation: sbp | SpawnAnyBlueprint | 3+ | |
stats | Prints status information about the current playfield | V | Stats | 3+ |
statuseffect | Applies a Status Effect to the player | StatusEffect | 3+ | |
statuseffectremove | Removes a Status Effect from the player | StatusEffectRemove | 3+ | |
structlod | Lists all structures on current playfield (maybe loaded over all playfields?), with distance from player, and name. | 3+ | ||
struct | Used for removal of signals from local structure | Struct | ? | |
teleport or tt | Teleports you (and the ship you currently control - if any) to a given location or enables teleportation on map [GameMaster] | Teleport | 3+ | |
terraineditor or te | Opens Terrain Editor for SplatMap Terrain | TerrainEditor | 0+? | |
ticks | Outputs current ticks and allows to enable, disable and set them | V | Ticks | 3+ |
time | Get / set the global server time [server only] | V | Time | 0+? |
traders | Lists all traders and allows to reload the config file | 3+ | ||
unban | Unban a player [GameMaster] | V | UnBan | 3+ |
undock | Undocks a specified SV or HV. Can be used if problems happen with the undock | UnDock | 0+ | |
uresource | Manage underground ressources | UResources | 3+ | |
weather | Activates a custom weather setting | Weather | 3+ | |
weathersv | Activates a custom weather setting on a server | WeatherSV | 6+ | |
wipe | wipe <sector> <target> - wipes targeted aspects after reboot of server, such as 'wipe Akua deposit' which removes replaces ore deposits. | V | Wipes | 3+ |